

Standard Cletop Cassette  Specifications

Ferrule 2.5mm 1.25mm MT-RJ MPO
Type Type A Type B Type MT-RJ Type MPO
Part No. 14100500 14100610 14100101 14100201
Shape of rubber pad rub_1 rub_2 rub_3 rub_3
Cleans per reel more than 400 times more than 400 times more than 400 times more than 400 times
Connector types SC, SC2, FC, ST, DIN, D4 MU, LC, MT, MPO (w/o pins), MT-RJ (w/o pins), Biconic MT-RJ with pins MPO with pins
W x H x D mm
130 x75 x 40
Weight (g) 160 160 160 160


Cletop-S Cassette Specifications

Ferrule 2.5mm 1.25mm
Type Type A Type B
Part No. 14110501 14110611
Shape of rubber pad rub_1 rub_2
Cleans per cartridge more than 400 times more than 400 times
Connector types SC, FC, ST, SMA, D4 MU, LC, MT, Biconic, MPO (w/o pins), MT-RJ (w/o pins),
W x H x D mm
125 x 85 x 35
Weight (g) 150 150

Cletop Stick Specifications

Size Available 2.5mm Stick 2.0mm Stick 1.25mm Stick
Length 146mm 146mm 101mm
Connector/Adapter Type FC, ST, SC, SMA, D4, Diamond Mil/Aero LC, MU